Sunday, October 16, 2011

Maredumilli the birds nest of East Godavari- Tour Guide.

Eco- Tourism- Maredumalli- About 122 Km form Kakinada East Godavari , Andhra Pradesh, India .(Tibal  Community Eco- tourism project  with the help of World bank aid )
View of of the mountais called Soodi Kondalu, near Mallisala on the way to Maredumilli

Buses are rare and need to catch the one which goes to Bhadrachalem through Rampa Chodavaram. Private  vehicles are better.,(Kakinada- Jaggampeta-Pholks peta-Rampachodavaram- Maredumilli )and 82 km form Rajhamahendry (Rajahmundry -Gokavaram- Rampachodavaram-Maredumilli)

A rodies delight

Scenic beauty of the Eastern Ghats

Bhupathi palem project under construction ( on the way to Maredimilli) ,about 31 Tribal villages would get drinking water

 Unfortunately around 180 hectres of wildlife would be inundated by the the Bhupathy palem project.

Bhupathipalem project under constuction-The 50 + cr  project  may also become a hot tourist spot in future

  So refreshing and peaceful-The Rampa water falls
The ancient Cave temple( 14th century, perhaps Naga origin) near Ramapa water falls
The Entrance  of the Vanavihari  Tourist spot on Badrachalem Road in Maredumilli

The Booking office of Toutist Gust house in Maredumilli. Cottages can cost from rupees 500 non a/c -to 1000 rupees a/c rooms. Book your rooms well in advance.You may need to deposit the advance amount in Andhra bank Sirigindalapadu Branch,in the name of Mml,Community based Eco-tourism, Maredumalli. And Fax the receipt to 088642.  Please  contact the following number and conform the details and then only deposit  money. 09494151617 or 08864 244966 .Don't be surprised if the reception is cold or many  a redirections are given.The reception generally is cold , as if you have ventured in to their privacy.Soon you will forget all those things once you start looking around.

The forest rest house in Maredumilli  was build way back in 1914

Way to hill top guest house

The hill top Guest house with two rooms with attached bath and a small varandha.

Hot water is available for bath.Carry a torch and warm clothes in Winter. if you so perticular about neat ness then carry a  bed sheet too.Apart from BSNL net work all cell net works are dead. Remember ,Rooms are not connected with inter-com. or telephones.

Delight of  a full moon- A stroll in the night would be thrilling.If you are lucky you may even encounter a few wild animals. Beware of  poisonous scorpions.Wear trucking shoes. Do not venture deep with out a local guide.

For rupees 100 you can get some fire wood for a private camp fire opposite to your room. Remember you need to trasport it.Buy some Kirosine (a little extra) to light the fire..

Order your food early.Take the mobile number of the catering person. You may need to remind two or three times or bring it your self. The canteen is below average. A few  tribal food stalls( huts) can arrange you better food .Carry safe drinking water always.

The connoisseurs delight ,the "bonku Chicken"( Banboo Chicken- Chicken cooked in bamboo sticks with traditinal Spices ) is a must try, if you are non- vegiterian. Fix the cost of 1/2 kg  one kg etc. first itself. A little bargaining may be needed.
Karthika vanam, nandanavanam,jungle night camp, medicinal park all are in a dialapilated stage. Don't be disappointed. The air is fresh and Jalatharangini is still attractive.

Early mornings are the best time for sight seeing. perhaps between 5.30 am to 9am.

Lush ever green forests- home for may butterflies
        ' manava sevaye, madhava seva'- Water supplied by Satya Sai Baba's Trust

Misty Eastern Ghats in the early hours-You may visit the neighbouring hamlets-  the tribals savour some local made intoxicants like Vippa Sara, or  jeediga kallu (toddy)
Reminding the devide of haves and have nots

November and December months are best time to visit as it would be chill in the night.( locals believe that Vali and Sugreeva- of Ramayana- fought in these mountains-)

Do not keep open the doors and windows at nights. Be ware of Mosquitos and other pests or rodents.Carry a torch light .

A Visit to  the coffee plantation in Maredumilli in the  morning ;it  is as refreshing as having a strong cup of coffee.

Jala tharangini- water fall.( Do not venture with out adult supervision as rocks can be slippery and rainy seasons may bring  leaches or even pythons!)

Search and you may find  a few medicinal plants in the awareness centre.
Enjoy the clatter of the Valmuru River

 The weekly market in a tribal hamlet near Pullangi

'Jeedi Kallu' ( a kind of Toddy)  and the curies bottle gourd  glass to drink it.
Waeternal waiting - for a  penney
 The staple food of the tribals-The womwn selling it told me it is 'Samalu'


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome ...Thanks a lot for this blog post :)

  3. Hi,

    Very good post.
    Can you please advise on how many days can we spend here? Is one night stay enough. Thank you.



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